Sponsorship awards

Our sponsors, RAFI, ASTOR and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunications of the University of Zielona Góra funded three awards for the best young authors (the candidate had to be under the age of 35):
- award for the best paper in control theory (sponsored by RAFI)
- award for the best paper in technical diagnostics (sponsored by ASTOR)
- award for the best paper in medical diagnostics (sponsored by the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Zielona Góra)
Seven papers of the best scientific level, with originality of work and quality of presentation as the key criteria, were nominated for the awards. The nominee was the person presenting the paper at the conference:
Monika Cichocka, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Diagnosis of obesity with bioimpedance method, M. Cichocka and J. Tutaj
Andrzej Czajkowski, University of Zielona Góra, Poland
Model predictive control of the two rotor aero-dynamical system using state space neural networks with delays, A. Czajkowski and K.Patan
Soeren Georg, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
Takagi-Sugeno sliding mode observer with a weighted switching action and application to fault diagnosis for wind turbines, S. Georg and H. Schulte
Jagoda Lazarek, Łódz University of Technology, Poland
Method of pattern detection in mammographic images, Jagoda Lazarek, Piotr Szczepaniak and Arkadiusz Tomczyk
Ivana Lukec, Emerson Process Management, Croatia
Prediction of quality properties for the continuous optimization of refinery crude distillation unit, I. Lukec
Łukasz Tabor, Warsaw University of Technology , Poland
Podobieństwo grafów w kontekście grafu przyczynowo-skutkowego procesu przemysłowego, Ł. Tabor
Karol Żak, Silesian University of Technology , Poland
Animatronic hand controlled by data glove, G. Gałazka, B. Knafel, A. Przybysz and K. Żak
The best paper in control theory:
Soeren Georg, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
The best paper in technical diagnostic:
Łukasz Tabor, Warsaw University of Technology , Poland
The best paper in medical diagnostics:
Jagoda Lazarek, Łódz University of Technology, Poland