Paper submission

Paper submission
- All submissions will be handled on-line with the EasyChair conference system. If you have no EasyChair account, you should first create one.
- All papers must be initially submitted in the PDF format using the conference system.
- Papers can be written in English (preferred) or in Polish.
- Papers should not exceed 12 A4 pages.
- Each participant can submit one or more papers.
- Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process.
Final version of the paper
- Accepted papers must be corrected according to reviewers' comments and uploaded in due time using the conference system.
- The papers have to be prepared STRICTLY in compliance with Instructions for Authors . (See our instructions for authors).
- The authors whose papers will be selected for publication in the Springer AISC series are obliged to prepare final papers using LaTex (llncs.cls). Furthermore, they have to complete and sign a copyright form (Springer consent to publish). The authors can send the copyright form either by regular mail or by fax, or include a scanned copyright form in the final files.
- The conference policy requires that at least one registration for each accepted paper must be made to include the paper in the conference proceedings. The authors can send the registration form either by regular mail, by fax or include a scanned form in the final files.
- You have to upload the final version of your paper including all source files, figure files and the final PDF corresponding exactly to the final sources.
- The final files should be compressed into a single ZIP archive named after your paper ID (123.zip).
- Each accepted paper has to be presented by one of the authors at the conference and must be accompanied by a registration fee.